How Much Does it Cost to Become a Phlebotomy Technician?

Healthcare offers a wide variety of career options.

One possible career choice lies in the allied medical profession as a phlebotomy technician.

Separate from nursing or other specialties, phlebotomists are vital in healthcare because they combine compassion and a desire to help others with unique technical skills.

Phlebotomy, the process of drawing blood for testing, is an important tool in diagnosing disease and can be performed in many environments such as hospitals, physician’s offices, school health programs, and non-profit clinics.

There are even phlebotomists in police departments and CSI offices.

If this sounds like an interesting challenge, phlebotomy may be the perfect career option.

Here are some basic requirements and general costs.

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What Type of Schools offer Phlebotomy Technician Education?

Phlebotomy program basics are taught online.

But there are also more formal academic programs.

Regardless of initial education type, there is always an in-person component for practical experience.

Phlebotomy technicians learn anatomy, blood draw procedures, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities, advanced technology, medical terminology, and more.

Choosing the right program depends on convenience, program length, and overall cost. Another factor in choosing a program is state requirements.

All programs require students to be 18 years or older and have at least a high school diploma, but some states list additional requirements for certification.

Most allied health programs also require individuals to pass a drug and background test.

Community Colleges and Courses

Many Community Colleges or vocational schools offer short courses – 40–80 hours in phlebotomy training.

Reputable programs offer state and National Exam testing opportunities.

And many teach CPR techniques and certifications as part of the program.

Medical professionals teach these programs — bringing real-world experience.

These specialty courses average $1100 and include supplies, manuals, and testing fees.

Many programs offer financial aid, monthly payment plans, or partner with state work-education tuition programs.

University Programs

The most expensive programs are part of nursing or medical universities.

These phlebotomy technician programs.

There is also a significant business component as many floral designs are independent business owners and entrepreneurs.

University degrees follow the admissions and cost of the university and can reach $15,000 per year plus books, supplies, room, and board.

Online Courses

Online phlebotomy technician programs understand that sometimes work or family schedules can be difficult.

These courses offer foundational coursework with a practical component.

Individuals taking online courses need both to sit for the National Phlebotomy Exam (NPE).

The NPE is a national certification that offers reciprocity in all but a few states.

Online and self-paced courses range from 40 hours, costing $850, to 11 modules lasting 12 months, costing $1100.

Books, tools, supplies, and materials are usually extra charges.

Some online programs offer grants or tuition payment plans and deep discounts for military personnel.

Professional Organizations

Phlebotomy technicians, once certified, can be part of both national and international member organizations.

Two organizations that set the education and professional development standards for phlebotomists are the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.

The National Association of Phlebotomy Technician Professionals (NAPTP), a national non-profit offers an online 170-hour (six-month) self-paced course costing roughly $600+.

Tuition includes coursework and a digital textbook.

However, additional study materials, exam prep, and application fees can cost up to $2000.

How Much Does it Cost to Complete a Phlebotomy Technician Program?

The cost to become a phlebotomy technician will depend on the education program chosen.

Education TypeCost RangeAverage Length
Vocational:$0 - $4501 to 2 weeks
Online Programs$850 - $2,0001 month to 6 months
Blended/Semester Courses:$4,000-$,80004 months

Most program costs do not include:

  • Additional lab time
  • Travel time
  • Education prep
  • Exam fees, state and national
  • Printed Certificates

How Much Does a Phlebotomy Technician License Cost?

Most states do not have specific requirements for phlebotomy techs, but all healthcare positions will require certification.

Eight states require certification training: Colorado, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Montana, and New Hampshire.

Although limited, salaries are usually higher for those individuals with more education and experience.

Only four states have full licensing and certification requirements: Nevada, Florida, Louisiana, and Washington.

Licensing and renewal is usually an annual cost averaging between $50 and $200.

What Are the Additional Costs After Becoming a Phlebotomy Technician?

In addition to licensing or state registration, additional costs involve specialization and professional development:

  • Professional development
  • Continuing education
  • Professional networking
  • Expansion of Credentials

Is Becoming a Phlebotomy Technician a Good Career Investment?

The most expensive part of becoming a phlebotomist is the initial education.

Once completed, there are numerous opportunities for phlebotomists.

There is ample work for phlebotomy technicians in hospitals, at mobile blood donation centers, and even with international non-profits.

Phlebotomy technician salaries depend on geography and type of healthcare facility, but annual pay averages at $22 per hour or between $30,000 and $78,000 annually.

The national salary average of a Phlebotomist is $50,250 per year in California and New York.

Estimated job growth is at 23% through 2029. In other words, phlebotomy technicians will be in increasing demand for the next decade.

Start your full or part-time career now, and find phlebotomy schools in your area.

Key Takeaways For a Career as a Phlebotomy Technician

The phlebotomy profession:

  • Offers easy entry into the healthcare profession
  • Has numerous education options: online and in-person classroom
  • Minimal education requirements.
  • High and ongoing demand provides room for growth.
  • Livable wages throughout your career.
  • Opportunities to freelance or work remotely

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